Fernanda’s oil

Fernanda’s oil

The organic farm has been operating in Gemona del Friuli since 1992. After focusing on the cultivation of vegetables and apples, Fernanda planted a few dozen olive trees in 2000. The first pressing is done in 2006 and the crops immediately brought excellent results. Currently she has around 400 olive trees, of varieties such as Bianchera and Gorgazzo first and foremost, but also Leccino, Maurino, Itrana and Ascolana. The oil produced is of high quality, capable of combining the organoleptic characteristics of the cultivated varieties, the organic management method of the plants and the timely transformation operations. In 2014 the company was awarded the Olio dell’Abbate Award, the most important recognition for EVO oil pressed from locally produced olives.

Azienda olivicola di Fernanda Fachin
L’olio di Fernanda
Via Pomponio Amalteo 3 | 33013 Gemona del Friuli | Italy
Tel. +39 349 8355289

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